Tanner here, back at the keyboard.
“What exactly do you do?”
We get this question a lot.
It just keeps popping up.
As y’all know: we’re building a resort. We get that that is not a standard career path. We understand that it can be confusing for some people and sometimes we need to give extra explanation of what we’re building.
And we’re great with that!
But in the process of this journey, one of our favorite things has been compiling a list of all the things that people tell us we’re doing.
Here’s a few of our favorites:
“Oh so you’re building tiny homes.”
“I think glamping sites are so cool. Glamping is really popular right now.”
Hmmm mmm..
“Will people be able to camp anywhere on the property?”
Camp sites?? Where did they hear us say campsites?
“So are you going to have bathrooms?”
Wait. What part of “luxury resort” made them think we wouldn't have bathrooms?
“So I hear you’re building a farm.”
!!! ???
No. just… no.. That’s actually not even close to what we’re doing.
While Melissa and I have certainly had some good laughs over the misunderstandings, we also realize we can grow in doing a better job communicating the vision--which we’ll do in the next, and final, posts in this series.
Truth is, it’s such a privilege and we really enjoy getting to answer questions.
What is one question you have about Cypress that you’d like us to answer?
Grateful for you,
Tanner and Melissa